Our Philanthropy
Domestic Violence Awareness
At the 1992 Alpha Chi Omega National Convention, our delegates marked the adoption of domestic violence awareness as our philanthropic project, an issue that affects women all over the world. Together, we serve individuals and families impacted by domestic violence through fundraising and sharing gifts of time and talent with shelters and other service-providing organizations. Alpha Chi Omega also works to educate its own members, giving them tools to build their own healthy relationships, and to raise awareness of
domestic violence by educating others on its impact and work being done to end it.
Here at the Gamma Zeta chapter at Kansas State University, we work locally with the Manhattan Crisis Center, a shelter that houses victims of domestic violence.
We have had the amazing opportunity to collaborate on our philanthropy events with other chapters at Kansas State. We had Boot Scootin' Boogie with Alpha Gamma Rho, Cookies for Crisis with Phi Gamma Delta, Cookout with the Chis with Delta Chi, and Soles for Souls with Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Philanthropy in the Greek Community
Not only does the Gamma Zeta chapter work locally with and volunteer at the Manhattan Crisis Center, we are also involved in volunteering within the local community as well. Community service is one of Alpha Chi's main values.